Conference system
Registration for the conference is available only through the CPOTE conference system. To participate in the conference, you must first register in the conference system. The register panel is available after clicking the "Register" button in the upper right corner of the website or by the link Registration - first step of registration at the conference.
Registration is a three-step process:
- STEP 1: Creating an account by entering your email address and password.
- STEP 2: Confirming the email address by clicking on the link sent to the email address provided in step 1.
- STEP 3: Filling out the registration form. The data required in the registration form are necessary for the efficient organization of the conference.
Remember to assure the correctness of your data; the data provided in the registration form can be later edited in appropriate panels in the conference system. Note that provided email address works as the login to the conference system.
You can register as:
- regular participant
- student
- regular participant (online)
- student (online)
Early bird discount is associated with the deadline of the conference fee payment. The "Early bird" discount is granted only for those participants who pay the conference fee before the "early bird" deadline. The conference system displays the "early bird" discount as long as the due day comes. If the conference fee is not paid in "early bird" due time, the full fee should be paid.
If the fee is not paid in time, your account will be blocked. For more information, please visit:
If you want to submit an article on behalf of another person who will be a participant of the conference, write us an email
After successful registration, the left side panel will gradually display additional links for the next stages of the conference preparation. Pages available only after logging in have a yellow icon. Most of the stages have additional explanations marked with the word ‘guidelines’ in the title. The guidelines are available without logging in to the conference system.
Please note: 'Edit user profile' is marked with a yellow icon informing that this link is available only after logging into the conference system.