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Abstract Guidelines

Tips for preparing the abstract

Authors' Name and Surname

  1. Authors' name and surname should start with capital letters.
    • Correct style: Name Surname
    • Wrong style: NAME SURNAME or name surname or name SURNAME
  2. The corresponding author can modify their name and surname at the Participant's data site.
  3. Corresponding authors' names can be modified on the abstract site.
  4. Do not use unnecessary space(s) at the beginning of the name and surname.

Authors' affiliation: University, Faculty, Institute, Department

  1. The main words of the university name should start with capital letters.
    • Correct style: Correct Style of University e.g. Silesian University of Technology
    • Wrong style: Wrong style of university or WRONG STYLE OF UNIVERSITY
  2. Do not use abbreviations such as: SUT, Uni., Dep.
  3. Unify the university name among the authors.


  1. Only the first word in title should be started with a capital letter. Do not use the style in which the first letter of each word is capitalized.
    • Correct style: This is the correct style of the title
    • Wrong style: This is the Wrong Style of the Title
    • Wrong style: this is the wrong style of the title
  2. Abbreviations should be written with capital letters; however, in the title, abbreviations should be avoided.
    • Correct style: This is the correct style of the title with known abbreviation
    • Acceptable style: This is the correct style of the title with ABR
    • Wrong style: This is the Wrong Style of the Title with ABR
  3. Do not use dots at the end of the article title.
  4. Do not use unnecessary space(s) at the beginning of the title.


  1. Five (5) keywords are required
  2. Do not use the style in which the first letters of each word are capitalized.
    • Correct style: This is the proper style of the keyword
      • CO2 capture
      • Compressed natural gas (CNG)
      • Fischer-Tropsch
      • Gouy-Stodola theorem
    • Wrong style: This is the Wrong Style of the Keyword
  3. Do not use unnecessary space(s) at the beginning of the keyword(s)

Abstract body

  1. Length: 1000-2500 characters with spaces.
  2. Abstract should be free of spelling or grammatical mistakes.
  3. Abstract cannot contain references to literature (e.g., in the form [1]).
  4. There is no possibility to place pictures in abstract.
  5. The abstract should be written as a continuous body of text without paragraphs.
  6. Abstract should describe the content and main findings of the article.