Presentation Guidelines
Types of presentations
- Live stationary oral presentation delivered during a hybrid scheduled session, together with live discussion and written discussion on a forum
- Live online oral presentation delivered during a hybrid scheduled session, together with live discussion and written discussion on a forum
- Online oral presentation uploaded to the conference system in the form of audio-video recording and played during a hybrid scheduled session, together with written discussion on a forum and / or live discussion
- Slideshow presentation uploaded to the conference system in PDF format, together with written discussion on a forum
- Poster presented during a stationary scheduled session
This deadline will not be extended. Files should be uploaded in advance to counteract potential problems during the conference. The deadline applies only to these two presentation types.
If a valid presentation is not uploaded in time, the certificate for presenting will not be issued. Moreover, the recorded audio-video presentation will be at risk and may be withdrawn from the schedule. If you have a live scheduled presentation (either stationary or online), uploading of the presentation file (slideshow) is optional.
1. & 2. Live oral presentation delivered during a hybrid scheduled session
We do not provide templates for oral presentations. You should use the template from your university, organization, or generic one. For preparing the oral presentation you can use the CPOTE 2024 logo.
The duration of the speech is 15 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion.
Webinar platform used for CPOTE conference: MS Teams.
We encourage you to upload the slideshow file to the CPOTE2024 conference system. The slideshow cannot exceed 100 MB. Recommended size should not exceed 25 MB.
3. Oral presentation uploaded to the conference system in the form of audio-video recording
We do not provide templates for oral presentations. You should use the template from your university, organization, or generic one. For preparing the oral presentation you can use the CPOTE 2024 logo.
Recorded presentations are scheduled in the hybrid sessions. The duration of the recording is 15 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion.
Size of the uploaded file with the audio-video presentation cannot exceed 500MB.
You can upload many recordings files, but the size limit of a single file is 500 MB . There is no verification for the file extension.
4. Slideshow presentation uploaded to the conference system in PDF format
We do not provide templates for PDF presentations. You should use the template from your university, organization, or generic one. For preparing the presentation you can use the CPOTE 2024 logo.
Duration of the speech: not applicable.
Size of the uploaded file cannot exceed 100MB. Recommended size should not exceed 25 MB. Preferably, the slideshow not connected to live presentation or AV recordings should contain comments.
Since the presentation is not scheduled during the conference the discussion is performed based only on the forum in the conference system.
Accepted formats:
- PDF *.pdf - recommended
- Power Point *.pptx
5. Poster presentation
We do not provide templates for posters. You should use the template from your university, organization or generic one. For preparing the poster presentation you can use the CPOTE 2024 logo.
Poster presentations are scheduled in a stationary session. Discussion can also take place on the forum in the conference system. We encourage you to upload the poster file in the conference system, so it can be viewed by online users.
Organizing committee does not print the posters.