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Prof. Wojciech Adamczyk

Silesian University of Technology
Department of Thermal Technology
Gliwice, Poland

Wojciech Adamczyk has been serving as a professor in the Department of Thermal Technology at the Silesian University of Technology since 2022. He participates in executing projects and scientific research that are crucial for technological advancements in Poland and Europe. The solutions developed, including AI-supported diagnostic systems for industrial uses, are globally innovative. Due to the professor's scientific expertise, distinctive technological solutions are devised and applied in various industries, such as the energy sector. He oversaw the efforts of research groups involved in projects funded by both national and international sources. These projects frequently entail research performed within a scientific-industrial consortium. The professor's research unveils new pathways, such as in the area of utilizing green ammonia as an energy carrier. Adamczyk is deeply involved in researching the application of green ammonia as a fuel to achieve decarbonization in the agricultural and energy sectors.

Ammonia seen as alternative free-CO2 fuel

One of the biggest challenges in facing up the climate crisis is the transition to CO2 free energy supply making it green and safe. For energetic sector, responsible for electricity and heat generation, the need for alternative fuel is highly demand. The fossil fuels must be replaced with sustainable, renewable and carbon free energy sources, e.g., a promising carbon free fuel is ammonia (NH3). It is considered as a chemical storage medium for hydrogen that can be easily stored and transported. Ammonia has the potential to play a key role in managing energy grids integrated with intermittent and renewable sources by providing a solution to store energy. As a source of heat and electricity for small and medium application can be seen in application of the internal combustion engine powered by ammonia. In presentation the possible ammonia application will be demonstrated. Moreover, experimental founding will be discussed to show potential of ammonia application. The goal of this work will be also demonstration of ammonia application for powering Ci and SI engines.